Saturday 6 October 2012

Project: Robots

This project required a concept art that was based on the theme of Robots; the "Robots" could be in various types such as cybernetics or mechanical but involves with the 'robotic' structure.

Below is my Moodboard which covers the most famous robots in history of entertainment.

Robot Research

Below is a screenshot of my research that i conducted for this project, the research informs the basic facts of what a robot really is and where we can find them in our community; also I have also listed the famous robot laws that were said in the IRobot movie starring Will Smith.

Existing Concept Art Analysis

This concept art was created by Marcin Jakubowski. I partically liked this piece of artwork by him because of its dramatic yet overwhelming appearance of his robot at the far back and the destruction it caused to a rail station. I adore the level of detail the Artist has put into the people, the train and the bridge in his work, the quality is outstanding; the other reason why I liked this piece of artwork is due to its setting of  more "futuristic" industrial evo' age in England. The mechanical robot also seems it is from the same age and follows the similar of of metal design that was around this particular period. There is a direct link of the design of the robot and the train that we see in the artwork. Another thing that I liked about the design of the robot is how it is very life like and is a close resemblance to a gladiator. A human like robot is something I could look into as my final concept.

I started to look at the shapes of famous robots in history and sketched out their basic forms into well known shapes, i also looked at the colouring of these robots and they are usually in black and white however additional colours can be used to fit a organisation or present a job via a colour. I also looked at the joints and understood that most robot design use circular joints or are in a required position from the beginning.

After looking at the different types of robots and their shapes i notice that a lot of these robots from fiction are designed for an "action" environment and equipped with heavy artillery. I decided to make a brainstorm to help me decide which theme of robot I was going for and create a personality for him showing casing his fit of that specific role. I decided to look into domesticated robots since not many have been designed  this particular character is suited for a children's animated film or cartoon due to his given personality and traits.

I did some intial sketches on Photoshop to generate some ideas.

After deciding what design i wanted for my Robot I went ahead and did some refinement to ge a overall look on my Robot. 

Final Sketch -

Final Piece

My final piece shows a friendly relationship with child a the robot which i originally planned however the quality of the art piece is not at my regular level. The reason behind this, is because i rushed towards the end of the hand-in and did not have enough time to go back and refine the robotic features to give it more volume and a 'realistic' feel. the child in the piece is at a wrong perspective angel which makes the child seem as if it was extracted from another picture which I used for referencing, i did not manage to incorporate the angle of the reference picture to mine. 

To not repeat the same mistakes that I have done for this artwork, I need to focus on time management and plan out the tasks i need completed for each day before the hand-in, this way i can finish my art pieces on time and with the best of my ability. 

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