Saturday 13 October 2012

Project: Surrealism

Probably the most weirdest assignment from a game course; however it will be fun to do since I can go wild with my imagination.

I started of with a moodboard to define what sort of artwork are done for this art movement.

Artist Studies -

Called "The Persistence of Memory"; painted by Salvador Dali. the painting has been interpreted on how time is rigid and follows a solid rule that can not be changed. The reason why I chosed to analyse this piece of art was because it fits very well with the meaning behind surrealism of dreams; the pocket watch show that time is ever lasting but is used of withered away slowly (melting away). Looking at this painting gave me a idea that how modern technology has become a central part of our lifes and consumes a lot of our own personal time from using computers, mp3 and games console.

Outline of Idea - 
A lot of these painting have been painted in their own era, I however i would like to create a surrealist piece where modern surroundings have a impact on our lives and somewhat on our dreams.

Sketches -

Rough sketches of my ideas that are directed at my main idea, I drew various ideas to present my idea as best as possible however not all of them were surreal enough.

For my chosen idea i looked at Van Gogh paint style because i wanted to impose that into my piece and thought of a ancient artitech that has was used as a technology and thought of Stonehenge. My chosen idea is Idea 3 and this picture shows a few refinements of my ideas. I selected to go for the top one as my final idea. 

Final Sketch - 

Final -

the surrealism art piece was finished on time however, the aulity of work as yet again not achieved my skill level. The background came out well however the main focus of the art piece did not. This is because i did not manage to achieve the 'rocky' effect of Stonehenge that i was aiming for. the other fault with my art piece was that my idea was not clear enough so my colleagues did not understand what my idea was. 

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