Sunday 13 January 2013

Project: Wrinkles

For this project we were asked to create a creature or animal that has wrinkles. 

Below is my mood board. I looked up various characters from across different media to see how they were designed and how the wrinkles appear on them. I then moved onto searching how wrinkles are shown on humans of different ages and animals to see how and where the wrinkles appear the strongest.

Below is my research in understanding how the wrinkles corresponds to the muscle in the face.

A self-portrait of me creasing my eyes to produce wrinkles. media used, charcoal.

Sketches of aged creatures and humans design.

My preferred idea, I did a large copy of it to refine my idea.

Further refinement of idea.

3D sculpted Model.

My wrinkles project was a bit tricky to do, my plan was to use Zbrush an upgraded version of Sculptris thus making is far more difficult to use since i have not touched zbrush before. After looking at TuTs on the internet i finally manage to do a some-what-like wrinkled alien; i am somewhat pleased with the outcome since i have not used the program before however the wrinkle works is quite hard to see. I am more familiar with the program thanks to wrinkles project. 

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