Wednesday 12 December 2012

Project: Sci-Fi Ship

For this project we had to design a Sci-Fi ship that has a specific purpose i.e a freighter. 

Below is my mood board, i tried to select iconic spaceships from various Sci-fi themed shows and movies to help me study their designs and examine what made them so successful. 

Sketches of various types of space craft for various purposes. Inspirations have come from Star wars, Battlestar Galactica and Mass Effect

Work in Progress: 

My Chosen Design:

Work Flow:

Final look of model (un-textured version) - UVW mapping is done
UVW Maps

Textured UVW

Finished Textured Model (Rendered):

Final Piece:


my original art piece not work efficiently because it was to blend in terms of the composition of the spaceship and the back ground image. with some extra help and a few 3d tools (lighting and bump) the outcome of my re-vamp looks like a still from a sci-fi movie. i am pleased of the outcome. 

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