Sunday 25 November 2012

Project: Santa!

Since Christmas was coming up we were asked to create a innovative Santa for this year Christmas card.

So starting off with a Moodboard of exciting Santa Clause that move away from the regular stereotypical one we have known to love.

Initial Ideas:

My aim was to think outside the box and move away from a typical Santa we knew and love. I thought that since we live in a media era of "bad ass" or "epic" I wanted my Santa to take a few ideas from these two things and create a Santa that can 'look' like a bad ass hence why my mood board is more leaned to tattoos, muscle, bikers and overall bulky body type.

Final Sketch:

Final sketch of my idea.


Finished Piece:

I am pleased with the Christmas card art piece i have successfully portrayed my idea of a 'hard core' delivering presents with big powerful gun whilst he rides on Rudolf. the only thing im not happy with is the lack of deatil i used for both Rudolf and Santa.

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