Sunday 30 September 2012

Project: Tenticles

For this project we had to create a concept involving tentacles. the theme can be adapted in any way however it must show tentacles.

To begin this project i decided to do a brainstorm to help me think what exactly is involved around the word "tentacles" in games, myth, movies etc.

A scan of my Brainstorm.

I then took key words from my brainstorm and created a moodboard to help me further generate ideas.

I researched a small amount of facts of animals with tentacles to help me use some of these facts and take further in a fantasy setting or a world invasion. I have also included the anatomy of these creatures to help me design my final concept idea.

These are the screenshots of my research.

I did a quick glance to see if there are any concept art concerning anything to do with tentacles and I found this piece of art.

I likes this piece of art work because of its dramatic scene, it is very clear how the artist has made the creature to be a overwhelming presence by ripping a hole in the ship and how the water around it is flowing giving a sense of size which helps to compare with the ship; what I also liked was how the artist had created some action by painting a turret gun on a nearby boat shooting the octopus creature giving it a more dramatic scene; This is something that I would like to incorporate in my final idea.

Anatomy of Animals with Tentacles -

These are my scans of my Anatomy studies of the animals that are known for Tentacles. I decided to do this because I think it will beneficial to understand how these sea creatures are built and how they use their natural gifts to survive in the animal kingdom.

I decided to do rough siloeuttes to generate some ideas; I decided to to use the 3rd design (left top corner) as an idea; to refine and take further as my final character for my piece.

Character Refinement

To refine my chosen idea, i wanted to study the human body since the sketch is similar to a human body. I looked at the muscles of the upper torso in a male and did a rough sketch to see where the main muscle definition were. I also looked at the head proportions to decide what angle i wanted to draw my final idea. I also did a sketch of how i want the hands to look by drawing it from the reference picture i took of my friend.

Reference Materials

For muscle study 

For background reference material

Sketch of Final Idea

In my final sketch I made a few changes to the design. I went around the internet to see if there was any idea that was similar to mine; sadly i found an existing idea that was very much similar to mine so i decided to change it and make it more octo-squid with a human like upper torso equipped with sharp lethal tentacles. I left the tentacles at the bottom before i wanted to draw my character in a ocean setting where the it rises from the sea and the tentacles are half submerge in the water.

Final Art Piece

For my final art piece i didnt achieve the quality of work i was hoping for, I feel that I my ability to work with digital art is very low compared to my traditional; I think that I would have done better if I made it with dry media, as a idea to present I personally think is not so bad that people wouldn't understand, I think that it fulfil  its purpose by presenting an idea.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Lighting: Cityscape

Same as the Troll we had to have a go at lighting a city during a sunny day, this is my take on it.

These are my test screenshot, i used to blue to help define the shadows in the scene before i render a final scene shot.

This is my final scene shot of the lighted City.

Lighting: Troll

For our Skill Audit we had to do a task which revolved around lighting a 3D model.

With the Troll model we had to do a 3 point lighting technique. This is my outcome.

I found the lighting task to be difficult because I was not sure how to impose any shadow to give it a finish and "professional" look when i render it out.

3D Medieval Textured House

A task for the 2nd year Skill Audit, we had to UV map a Medieval house and apply the given textures to it.

The task seemed complicated at first, but once I found the technique to approach this it became quite easy to complete. 

This is my example of the UV template that I made and the stacks I used to apply the finish textures on the model.

My finished model. 

Textured Parasaurus

Another Task for the Skill Audit; the task was to texture a template of a 3D dinosaur showing our texturing skills. 

to begin with the template was difficult to understand so i decided to use blobs of colours to distinguish what is what on the model. this is my file.

This made is easier to understand what parts are what on the model. I then created a final texture file for this Parasaurus. 

This is my final outcome with the texture applied to the Model.

3D Model of a Sci-fi Pistol

A piece of work for a Skill Audit at the start of 2nd Year. The task was to re-create a concept of a sci-fi pistol in a perspective view in 3D.

This is my outcome.