Saturday 12 May 2012

Smoking Bug

Stage 1: 
This is my starting position where I'm knocking in the light and dark areas to reflect how the light will hit my bug guy, using a dark background to bring out the values a lot better was very useful.

Stage 2:
Here I focused on the main areas that I want to bring out of the bug design to make a better, clearer understanding oh his design; so by focusing on his head, neck and limbs I have captured a overall layout of his body. 

Stage 3:
After capturing his overall design on his body, painting his body was a simple task, I used the colours from the reference pictures provided by selecting the eye dropper to select suitable colours for his body, I also added some little legs to give the character a more "bug" like look.

Stage 4:
After completing his body i decided to give more character to the bug by placing him in an environment of my own creation. I found the leaves to be very "vegetable" like as i was applying them with a brush style to i decided to change it for something more grass like. 

Stage 5:
This is the results of applying the leaf like brush; I am pleased with the results so i decided to keep it. The tree at the back was a mixture of earth colours and applied over with a 'scatter' like brush.

Stage 6:
the final touch! Adding a cigarette and some smoke to give it the Alice in Wonderland look.

1 comment:


    You should really credit the original artist for your exercise. Since it is clearly derived from Feng Zhu's original concept.
